
Buyers Buy Before You Sell: Bridge Loan FAQs If you’re a homeowner thinking of selling in order to buy a new home, you may want to consider using a bridge loan. Curious about the positives and negatives of this financing option? Read on to find out. We’ve answered your frequently asked questions below. What is a bridge loan? As a homebuyer, a bridge […]
Buyers Questions to Ask When Buying a New Construction Home While buying a new construction home is an exciting opportunity, it’s still important to do your homework beforehand. New homes come with all the latest and greatest appliances, building materials, and modern features. But just because a house is brand new, doesn’t mean it’s perfect. As a buyer, you need to do a home inspection […]
Buyers How to Financially Prepare as a First-Time Home Buyer While there are many steps in the home-buying process, it’s best to start by reviewing your finances, especially as a first-time home buyer. In fact, you should do this long before you start looking at homes. While diving into your finances can feel daunting, our partner at Penrith Home Loans is here to help. Cherie […]
Buyers Should You Buy a House Now or Wait? Many are wondering if they should buy a house now or wait. The answer is more complex than some may think.  Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, an experienced buyer, or looking for an investment property, consider the factors below. Understand Your Market Local real estate trends vary across the country. To better understand our local […]
Buyers Our Top Home Buying Tips Once you start looking for a new home, suddenly everyone you know becomes an expert with advice to share. Sometimes all this guidance can be a bit overwhelming and even distracting. To help you focus on what’s most important, we’ve put together a list of our top home buying tips. Know the Neighborhood Many home […]
Buyers First-Time Home Buyers: Pre-Approval, Making an Offer, Escrow Buying your first home is a big decision. But learning more about the process will help you feel prepared and increase your confidence moving forward. Below is a list of first-time home buyers’ frequently asked questions. Read on to find out about the pre-approval process, making an offer, and escrow. Pre-Approval Process What is pre-approval? […]
Buyers 4 Important Benefits of Working with a Local Lender Buying a home in today’s competitive market can be intimidating. But there’s no need to feel discouraged! There are steps you can take to set yourself up for success such as using a local lender. Here are four benefits of working with a local lender. 1. Personalized Experience Before exploring neighborhoods and open houses, you […]
Buyers What to Examine When Touring a Home Before purchasing a home, touring it and examining every inch of it is essential. Although it may be tempting to focus on its beautiful features, it is important to keep often overlooked aspects in mind. This will really help you in the long run.  Cracked Walls and Floors A tiny crack in the drywall here […]
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