Home August 12, 2024

Quick, Healthy Breakfasts and Lunches for School

A new school year comes with all kinds of excitement, plans, and activities. If you have a busy family with young kids, mornings can feel rushed and maybe even a bit hectic. So, we made a list of some easy, healthy breakfasts and lunches to help you out. Be sure to check out the tips included to ensure these meals are filling and nutritious.

Choose ingredients that keep them full

Although we want something quick and easy in the morning, it’s also important to choose food that will sustain your child until snack or lunchtime. Lunches should be filling and healthy so that they help kids stay focused and energized for the rest of the day.  The general rule is to include whole grains, protein, fruit, and vegetables in each meal. Sound overwhelming? It doesn’t have to be with some of these strategies and quick, tasty recipes.

Prep the night before

For many, an easy morning starts by taking the time the evening before to prepare. If you’re already in the kitchen cooking dinner, get some breakfast items together at the same time.

Hard-boiled eggs are a great option because they’re easy to grab in the morning. Or, prepare overnight oats in a jar. If you’re cutting up vegetables for dinner, save some extra for the morning. Then, throw them in scrambled eggs. When grocery shopping, choose fruits that are easy to grab in the morning, such as bananas, apples, and mandarin oranges.

Set up a system so kids can feed themselves

Many school-aged children can prepare much of their breakfasts themselves if there’s a good system in place. For some families, this might mean putting all the utensils, plates, and food items in an easy-to-reach spot or lower cupboard. (Think: kid-height in the refrigerator).

If pouring milk or other juices could be an issue, pour them into smaller, more manageable containers ahead of time. Place breakfast items front and center in their line of sight. Let them know what appliances they may or may not use based on their respective ages.

If you want to really involve them in the breakfast prep, check out this video that showcases 11 easy breakfast ideas that kids can make themselves.


Make the most of the basics

Nothing says breakfast like toast. However, this breakfast staple can still be dressed up to be both healthy and quick. Whole wheat toast with peanut butter, sliced bananas, and honey is filling and delicious. Avocado toast is perfect for getting in some good nutrients in the morning. Here are 12 healthy breakfast toast ideas.

Oatmeal or granola are also breakfast staples that can be modified to be even more filling with nuts or fresh fruit. Additionally, overnight chocolate chia seed pudding is a fun, refreshing morning meal that’s easy to prepare.

You can also check out ways to incorporate vegetables into your baking. Vegetable muffins can be made ahead of time and are an easy-to-grab breakfast. Or, many children love zucchini bread. Again, it can be made ahead of time and frozen until it’s time to pull it out as a breakfast option.

Quick, healthy lunches

When packing a lunch for school, follow a similar formula of protein, whole grain, fruit, and vegetables.

A turkey and cheese sandwich, baby carrots with ranch or hummus, plus some grapes would fulfill these requirements (and your child will most likely eat them). Throw in a couple of extra snacks, like a granola bar, string cheese, sugar snap peas, or dried fruit, and they are set.

Once the basics are set, start playing around with food. Perhaps the turkey and cheese becomes rolled in a whole grain tortilla or spinach wrap. Or, maybe your child prefers cucumber slices and cherry tomatoes over carrots. Again, as your kids get older, they can also start making their own lunches. Once the parameters are set, they can pick and choose which items they will eat for the day.

If you’d like some fun ideas, check out this video for some kid-friendly lunch ideas that come together quickly.

Take them grocery shopping with you

While grocery shopping with kids might sound overwhelming, it’s a great way to get them invested in the food you’re making. There are tangible benefits to grocery shopping as a family.

Let them pick the vegetables or fruits they want in their meals. As you go shopping, show them something new and encourage them to try it together when you get home. When you’re looking for snacks, steer them towards the aisles with easy, healthy snacks they’d like included in their lunch box.

Try school meal programs

Another option during these busy school days is to take advantage of breakfasts or lunches provided by the school. Schools typically provide a calendar with what meals will be served each day of the month. Go through the menu with your child and circle what meals sound good to them.

Breakfast and lunch can range in price but are generally much lower than any other food establishment. Many schools use apps to preload funds onto a student’s meal account. Also, check out your school district’s website. Many offer free and reduced lunch meal programs if you qualify after filling out an application.

Is dinnertime crazy, too?

Did you make it through breakfast and lunch, but are now mentally drained to decide what’s for dinner? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Check out this list of meals that are ready in 30 minutes or less.

Remember, no one is perfect

Finally, remember that the transition back to school is a big one for many families. Getting back into a morning routine takes time. If quick, healthy breakfasts and lunches are not happening every day, that’s okay. Hopefully, these ideas will give you and the kids the opportunity to explore food in a fun way and make the mornings less hectic.